The Code of Conduct is a collection of rules and principles intended to assist employees and directors in making decisions about their conduct in relation to the firm's business.
The Code is based on the fundamental understanding that we are all responsible for conducting business ethically and in compliance with the law everywhere we operate. Carry out their responsibilities honestly, in good faith and with integrity, due care, competence and diligence.
As a responsible and ethical business, Nipun Net Solutions Pvt ltd(Nipun) has zero tolerance for corruption.
It sets out requirements that apply to all Nipun Directors, Executives, and employees at any level of the Company . Third parties interacting with the company are also expected to comply with the general principles presented.
The policy presents rules to be followed when offering or receiving third-party entertainment, meals, gifts, and travel and lodging for both private persons and public officials. It also explains risks and rules related to sponsorships, charitable donations, sales agents, and consultants as well as lobbying. Violations of the policy are sanctionable.
Following anti-corruption rules and regulations leads to better business and builds trust, ensuring the long-term sustainability and growth. In an increasingly competitive world, integrity has become an asset valued by our clients, business partners, employees, and society at large.
Nipun is Certified in ISO 37001:2016 which specifies requirements and provides guidance for establishing, implementing, maintaining, reviewing, and improving an anti-bribery management system.
Reporting Ethics Concerns
Employees, customers, partners, vendors, suppliers, service providers, shareholders, and every other stakeholder or third party are responsible for promptly speaking up about any issues or concerns they believe, in good faith, may violate the Code of Business Conduct.
Anti-Corruption or Bribery Reporting
Please provide all details regarding the alleged violation, including the locations of witnesses and any other information that could be valuable in evaluating and resolving this situation.
Individuals have the option to remain anonymous when reporting concerns. Sending an email directly to
Our Policy of No Retaliation
We respect the confidentiality of associates who report business conduct violations. No retaliation means that if you report a concern in good faith, you cannot be subject to any adverse employment action, including separation, demotion, suspension, or loss of benefits because of the report.
At Nipun, we believe conducting business ethically and responsibly is the right thing to do for our business. This Business Partner Code of Conduct (the "Business Partner Code") clarifies Nipun' expectations in the areas of business integrity, labor practices, health and safety, and environmental management.
Nipun' Business Partner Code is intended to complement Nipun' Code of Conduct and the other Nipun policies and standards referenced therein. Suppliers, vendors, contractors and subcontractors, consultants, agents and other providers of goods and services ("Business Partners") who do business with Nipun are expected to follow this Code.